About Synergy

Our Mission

Synergy’s Mission is very simple. We exist “to help our partners engage supporters in uniquely personal ways that bond them more closely to the organization and its mission.”

Meet the team

Synergy Leadership

Nick Stavarz

Founder and CEO

Jason Wood

Jason Wood

Vice President, Outbound Solutions

David Miller

David Miller

Vice President of Mid-Level Solutions

Bart Lillie

Vice President of Partner Engagement


Curtis Stern

(1964 – 2020)

On September 23, 2020 Curtis left us suddenly and unexpectedly.

Curtis did not have clients or colleagues as much as he had “friends” in the nonprofit world that he helped to be successful. Curtis was a brilliant analyst who could take complex business problems, draw out the insights and opportunities, and articulate strategic & creative solutions which would advance his client’s causes. Curtis was instrumental in building Synergy into what it is today.

Curtis’ passing taught us to truly appreciate the good things and people in our lives, to live each day to the fullest, and to never take anything for granted. His great work and presence here continue to inspire us to continually aim to do better.

We at Synergy miss our friend and collaborator very much. I know we are not alone.

our vision

A Unique Business Model


Synergy is the only strategic agency in the Nonprofit world that focuses 100% on providing Phone-Based marketing solutions that integrate with and enhance both Direct Mail and Digital Marketing programs.


Synergy specializes in engaging with our client’s donors in ways that allow for a two-way dialogue. We communicate WITH them, not just AT them!

Long-Term Focused

Synergy’s programs are designed to deliver a Long-Term return on investment by not only communicating the need and opportunity effectively but by providing a fantastic “Experience” for donors that leaves them feeling positive about the organization as well as its mission.


The telephone marketing industry has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Synergy hasn’t just adapted to the change, we have DRIVEN the change ……. constantly seeking sustainable solutions to better support our nonprofit clients!

This is Synergy Direct Marketing Solutions!